Ok so it has been more than a week since I posted again. I've decided I am a bad blogger. Oh well add it to the list of all the other things that I don't do as well as I should. Ha ha. The kids finally went back to school today from uea break yeah. We didn't end up going anywhere fun we just stayed home and drove each other crazy. That can be just as fun though right. This is the only card that I have made so far with my very favorite stamp set out of the new catalog. And I can't believe that it took me this long to make one. I absolutely love the set but really struggle with ideas for it. I am not really even all that sure how much I like this card but Craig says that it is cute. So I am taking his word for it. You can't see in the picture but I did use dazzling diamonds in the eyes. My next big project will be to update the kids blog they have been bugging me to load a new picture on there for them. We have been fairly boring though lately and don't really have a lot to add. Craig and I are going to try and make it to Forks, Wa for a couple of days before the end of the year. I would like to see it after Jenn went and talked so highly of it. We are also going to try and find someone to dump he kids on for a couple of days so that we can make a quick trip to disneyland without them as well. Last time I went with the kids to Disneyland in March I threatened them that if they didn't quit fighting and get along I wouldn't renew their annual passes. And for once I stuck to my threat I guess that maybe it was kind of a mean thing to do but now that they don't have them I don't have to take them right. HEHEHE. We will renew them next year when renewing ours. They did get to go 11 and 12 times last year and Craig only went two times. Of course I went every time that anyone went I guess it really pays to be the mom sometimes. Anyway just don't want anyone thinking that Zach and Jacob are at all neglected I think they are actually quite spoiled. Well enough blah blah blah from me. Hope everyone is doing well. And thanks for looking at the card upload I will try to post the other two cards from stamp club as well. Forgot that I haven't added them yet.