I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted to this blog. Life is crazy I got involved with a boutique and have some cards to show that I did for that. I will be adding them over the next couple of days. I hope that everyones holidays are going well. We are loving it and very excited for Christmas. Our oldest son who is nine was still a believer until a couple of weeks ago, when he decided to go snooping. He found everything and looked through all of it. We decided that for the sake of our younger son we were going to have to burst his bubble and let him know what really goes on. At first he didn't want to believe me and when I insisted that what I was telling him was true he started crying. I feel awful about the whole thing we had been really excited thinking that we were getting at least one more year out of him before he found out the truth and then this happened. And of course we were completely done and he saw it all. I think that come christmas morning he is going to be very dissapointed when he knows everything that is under the tree for him. Oh well.