Hi everyone, sorry here we go again me apologizing for not blogging. That is one of my New Years resolutions and so far I haven't kept it. This was one of the cards from stamp club I thought that they turned out cute, however it was not as easy as I thought that it would be. I had a really hard time covering the words on the little red dot next to the girl. It says you make me smile, when you hold the little viewer over it you can see it. Remember the old hidden messages that we used to get in cracker jack boxes. It was a totally cute idea but the ink for the words couldn't be to dark or you could see it through the red and if it wasn't dark enough you can't see it through the red at all. But it is still fun. Stamp club was also a lot of fun. I have started selling avon for anyone interested you can visit my site at youravon.com/kathyjamison. Thanks for looking I absolutely love Avon and have used it for years so I thought why not? You can also contact me from there so let me know if you need anything or if I can help.