Hope everyone had a good easter ours was really good. We had a great easter egg hunt at grandma and grandpas (see the boys blog). And on Sunday we all got to meet Jenny's boyfriend;) He is absolutely great by the way and we all love him and can't wait to see him again. {ok Jenn I need my twenty bucks now, just teasing Billy} He really is a great guy and we had a lot of fun. I am also very excited because he won tickets to 9 to 5 on broadway and won't be able to make it so he is giving his ticket to me and I get to go to New York with Jenn to see it. Yeah watch out New York here I come. I can hardly wait. Thanks again Billy and Craig thanks also for staying home for two days alone with the kids so that I can go. You are the best husband. This is one of the last two cards that we did in my final stamp club. I thought that it looked like a grasshopper but was informed after it was done by Jacob that it is actually a cricket. They both jump so aren't they technically the same thing. I am kind of sad for club to end but also excited to be able to use more of my stamps. So many times I only used current since that is all we can demo, and I have a lot of cute retired ones that I would still really like to use. Hope everyone is doing great and had a wonderful easter. Thanks for looking.