This card here was a very fun card to make. I think that the next one that I make though is going to be round I have seen some really cute ones that are round. Hope everyone had a great easter. We did I don't think I have posted since then. I made some really cute (or at least I think they are) picture frames for the kids for teacher appreciation week yesterday. It was supposed to be something involving a flower so I decorated a frame and put a flower on it. I will try and get the picture posted in the next couple of days. We read The Secret Life of Bees in book club last month. If you haven't read this book I highly recommend it. The movie is also a must watch. Queen Latifah is one of my favorite actresses and I thought that the part seemed like it was written for her. I enjoyed both the book and movie a lot. I even made my husband watch the movie with me one day and he said it wasn't bad. Which is a really good response coming from him about a chick flick. Hope everyone is doing good and thanks for looking.