My mom just finished and brought us this very pretty afghan that she has been making for Craig and I. Isn't it pretty I really like the way that it turned out. Craig picked the colors (old Jazz colors) and I really like the way that they turned out. She did a wonderful job and we love it. Can't wait for the snow to start flying again so we can put it to some good use:) Just kidding we are excited to have it but can wait for the snow. Thanks again mom we love it.
Not much in the way of excitement is going on around here I have been in a creative slump. I am still feeling the effects of my cold so I am blaming that. We read the Screwtape Letters in book club this month. And I have to admit I put it off and then it was to heavy a read to finish while I was sick. So that is now at the top of my list of things to do. Hope everything is going well for everyone out there. And thanks for looking.